Kate Bridger's
Gallery of Fabric Art
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Kate Bridger provides workshops in Fabric Art.
All workshops can be adapted, or custom made sessions created, to suit your group's needs and skill level ... whether you're interested in a full day, a course that occurs weekly over a few weeks, weekend sessions, half day seminars ... whatever you like!
Experience in creating Fabric Art is not necessary for those who are interested in the Fabric Art sessions, but you will be expected to be very familiar with your own sewing machine and have a basic understanding of freestyle stitching. Kate's workshops are not sewing lessons, they are art classes that just happen to use fabric as the medium and your sewing machine as the tool.
Already working on a project or two, but could use a bit of encouragement? Book a Fabric Art mentoring session!
Read the descriptions and testimonials below and please contact Kate directly if you would like further information:
It is recommended that the workshops described below are offered over a minimum of 2 days.
Here is an opportunity to go back to the early days when scribbling and sketching and colouring outside the lines was fun, long before the layers of self-consciousness associated with ‘growing up’ began to compromise our creativity. This time, however, we’ll embark upon a creative journey using fabric collage and freemotion embroidery instead of pencils and crayons. Be prepared for two days of play, experimentation and making pretty pictures.
A series of 4 workshops, or a weekend broken up in to 2 sessions, to help you explore and deconstruct the elements of the natural environment and learn how to manipulate textures, colour and form to represent the essence of these important elements.
link to: Materials list
'Fire Lily', Merilyn, 'Earth Wind Fire & Water' workshop, Boswell, BC, Oct. 2017
'Fire', Linda, 'Earth Wind Fire & Water' workshop, Boswell, BC, Oct. 2017
It’s like trying to fit a round
peg in a square hole, or go
up the down escalator …
it’s counter intuitive and that’s precisely what this workshop is all about … taking opaque raw materials and fabrics and making them appear transparent. Windows, glasses, bottles, fruit bowls … painters have portrayed them for eons and fabric artists can do it too. Let’s turn fabric into glass! Materials list
From tumbledown barns and outhouses to abandoned truck carcasses, crumbling archways and neglected front doors with peeling paint, colour and texture predominate! Learn to interpret glorious manmade decay with layered fabrics, threads, scraping techniques and whatever else makes them work.
Ever wonder how a Fabric Artist ‘mixes’ colours, creates shadows, or makes wispy plants and textures? With a palette of sheer fabrics (organzas, silks, chiffons) of course! This workshop will introduce you to a variety of ways you can manipulate these materials to enhance your own fabric art projects while having a whole lot of fun doing it!
Translate 3-dimensional architectural elements in to 2-dimensional fabric art pieces and develop a better understand of how to use light and shade to communicate depth and form.
Learn how to create a landscape picture from the sketching stage through to full colour rendering. Layer by layer, build your favourite or imagined landscape scene.
A basic skill essential to all artists is the ability to see. It is a disciplined and often challenging task to shed one's preconceptions and learn to reduce objects and scenes to their fundamental shapes, colours, shadows and forms and then to reassembl them into a pleasing and recognisable image.
By studying an artist of your choice, you will develop a greater appreciation for his/work body of work and techniques as you try to 'mimic' their style using fabric and stitching.
A great workshop for artists, quilters and fabric-embellishers alike ... everyone needs to practice their drawling skills! Learn about shading, cross-hatching, line weight and highlighting all with thread and practice.
"I found the workshop, Seeing It - Sewing It, to be a great introduction to fabric art. As a lover of fabric, it was inspiring and opened a new world of creative possibilities for me. ... Kate really changed how I 'see' things with this new awareness of colour, shapes, contours, shadows, etc. and showed me how to transform what I saw into fabric art." Brenda, Calgary AB
"We were also honoured to have you share so freely your gift and spirit. There is a difference between a teacher and a spirit guide, you have been a blend of both to me ..." Cinda, Balfour BC